Resin Base Masters

I plan to resin cast bases for my Praetorians.  I am planning on making an earthworks/trench theme.  Have a look at the picture and tell me what you think.  I intend to add melee bags after they are cast.  That way there will be even more...

A Very Happy Birthday

Well today was a very good birthday.  I got a new X-Box (I know I am behind the times).  Spent some good time with family.  Unfortunately I go back to work tomorrow.In hobby news, I assembled a prototype lascannon.  It is pretty much Col. Gravis'...

Ratling Sniper Color Scheme

OK, as I write this I realize that I don't have many followers.  I hope that as my army grows, so will my following.  Anyway, for those who are interested and willing, I am looking for an opinion on colors for my ratlings.  I am using the old metal...

Galloper Guns Arrived

I just got in an order of some Dogs of War Galloper Guns.  I won two off of ebay.  I am slowly building all the parts for this army.  In case anyone doesn't follow Col. Gravis, The Galloper Guns will be used for Lascannon chassis.  They are...

Sentinels or no?

Just a quick question for anyone who sees this and would like to answer.  I plan on running an all footslogging army.  The metagame in my store is very mech.  I just want to throw everyone for a loop.  If you want to see a good example of an army...