A Gathering Storm

Hello, all.Storm Clouds GatherThere have been posts in the last few months regarding the "golden age of 40k". I think that it holds true - for whatever reasons, there has been a huge convergence of various individuals, blogs and creations. There are fantastic figures...

Gillam Harrow – Revisited

I've been rather quiet of late. Work is very busy, and I tend to feel that if I don't have anything worthwhile to post, that I shouldn't post. That said, the last month heralded the Ammobunker Open Bash 2013, where a number of INQ28 games were played. A grand time was...

Delving into Denmark

I sat down to come up with some Denmark-related pun... something involving bacon... and I couldn't get it to come together. Still, there's some exciting things coming out of Denmark at the moment which have real ramifications for the "INQ28 scene." Obviously long-time...

BLANCHITSU – INQ28 features again!

I received my copy of the January 2013 White Dwarf today - and was pleased to see that the Blanchitsu series of articles is continuing - and that models that may well be very familiar to you have featured within.The article features the work of Jakob Rune Nielsen and...

A Christmas Present

I mentioned in a previous post that I have quite a backlog of material that needs to be posted up on here. One of these was John Blanche's Blanchitsu article from October's White Dwarf.Blanchitsu is really a very interesting look into John Blanche's modelling mindset....