I finished Dan Abnett's new Inquisitorial novel, Pariah, about half an hour ago. My mind is still buzzing. The Eisenhorn trilogy still ranks among my favourite ever books - the twisted world of Inquisitorial politics narrated by Gregor...

Will Wright’s Eisenhorn

Hey guys,I don't float around on the internet as much as I used to, but I do try to keep an eye out for interesting Inquisitorial-themed models on the internet - and when I spot one, I want to share it with all of you!Will Wright (or BigWill as he posts on the...

A dish best served cold?

Since the INQvitational in June, I've not really grappled with the contents of my modelling desk. This is much to the consternation of my friend Darren, who has found his mojo redoubled. It's funny how the hobby can affect us all in different ways, and that we all...

Spiky Rat Pack: Inquisitor Marius Cassar

I really enjoy receiving emails from people who have been inspired by the work I (and others) have done with INQ28. It's doubly special when the email has work of this quality!Kari Hernesniemi of Spiky Rat Pack sent me this picture of Inquisitor Marius Cassar and his...


 Hey, guys. As I write this it's the sixth of August. Almost (exactly) two months since the INQvitational. I've had very little time to do anything in the meantime, and the modelling and playing of GW games definitely fell by the wayside somewhat. In...