Damn You, Andy Hoare…!

If anyone knows anyone who has the old fifth edition bolster ammunition tin, and who might be willing to part with it, let me know...

Torsis’ INQ28

I saw by chance this Dakka Gallery, and figured you guys ought to check it out. Whilst perhaps not the most technically accomplished models on the net, they're a lot of fun, and certainly brought a smile to my face.

A shared sandbox

The internet is a funny place, sometimes.The Dalthus Sector first originated when I created the Castigators, my DIY Space Marines. I created the Howling Stars, a lawless and tempestuous area of space which could house most of the typical Warhammer 40,000 opponents a...


Remember, they're always watching!

INQ28 round-up

Hey guys,A few posts to tide you over.Over on Tears of Isstvan, Fulgrim has presented another series of photographs of the INQvitational, showcasing some of the models and the scenery we had for the day. The bulk of the scenery was constructed by Old Guard, a member...