How to make a glue gun beholder

MadballsIntroduction:Firstly, I give credit to the people at DM Scotty's Crafts N' Games group on Facebook who have been making lovely beholders this way long before me. I learn a lot from this group, and they're terrifically supportive and encouraging to fellow...

Nezznar’s Journal and notes

He's from Menzoberranzan, contains a rough map with rough directions to the city in the Underdark.Also map of Wave Echo mine.Journal contains origins of Nezznar, of house Baenre. Contains info regarding leads to  other places on Sword Coast.  One is the...

Lost Mines of Phandelver – nearly at an end

Lost Mines of Phandelver (Spoilers ahead)For the last few months every fortnight I've  been running the starter box for a group of seven. All but one are new to the game (and me to dming 5ed), but they've done excellently at learning the rules and solving...

Heresy miniatures; make an order while you can

Heresy miniatures might not be around for much longer. If it went it would be a loss to the hobby as they are a fantastic company.This site has beautiful minis and weapons for use in Necromunda, Dungeons and Dragons, Frostgrave, etc, so I recommend grabbing what you...