Reaper Bones Goblins

Latest dent in the Reaper Bones kickstarter backlog. Trying to get some low level stuff together, as it's used more often than the high level stuff.
Reaper Bones proxy Space Hulk marines counts-as

Reaper Bones proxy Space Hulk marines counts-as

After a couple of games of Space Hulk, we felt that it was a bit strange that the hulking Space Marine Terminators dropped so easily. So I had a rummage through the Reaper Bones Kickstarter box and started bashing together a motley crew of intrepid and opportunistic...
Reaper  Bones Stone Golem, Spider Swarms

Reaper Bones Stone Golem, Spider Swarms

More paint!Slimy, turd-like blobs are meant to be spider swarms. I've left off using the gloss varnish because of the sheen, but I gave these a coat because I was worried about them getting handled a lot more. They'll eventually get a spray of matte when I get around...
Mantic and Reaper Bones Skeletons, and Space Hulk

Mantic and Reaper Bones Skeletons, and Space Hulk

Painted up some more Reaper Bones miniatures and some Mantic Skeletons. The Reaper Bones ones were a bit of a pain to base because of the 'broccoli' base they come with (I don't know why they're called broccoli bases, they taste nothing like it).I have some Mantic...