Reaper bones Rauthuros daemon and fountain

Reaper bones Rauthuros daemon and fountain

Painted up a couple more Reaper Bones miniatures. First is Rauthuros, a quick paint job (all the arms and weapons getting in the way everywhere put me off going back and doing any more highlights). The model received a base befitting a 40k Daemon Prince. It needed...
Reaper Bones miniature painting

Reaper Bones miniature painting

I finally collected my Reaper Bones Kickstarter that arrived about a year ago, and quickly got to work painting some of them. I'm enjoying the change from sci-fi to fantasy, and painting individuals one at a time again.The Bones kickstarter are old news now, but I'm...

Vanilla Chaos Marine army list

I welcome any feedback on the list that isn't 'get rid of the vanilla chaos marines' or 'I know you said not to, but you should get rid of the chaos marines'. I still have about 15 painted marine type miniatures with various equipment even after writing this list, but...
Renegade Havocs with FW weapons

Renegade Havocs with FW weapons

Thank Glob they're finished. I'm tired of them and haven't put in the best effort. There are still a few more to do, but I've had it with power armour for a while now.I put a couple together with special weapons that I don't have miniatures to represent. I'm aware...
Ork Stainless Steel Painboy (counts as Necromunda Pit Slave)

Ork Stainless Steel Painboy (counts as Necromunda Pit Slave)

After an internet search, turns out this miniature is a 'Stainless Steel Painboy'. I'm unsure of the edition, but it seems quite old. His right arm is a combination of Mk3 Power armour, a plastic Chaos marine boltpistol and some cables, cardboard, and a bit of round...