Cybork / Counts as Necromunda Pit Slave conversion WIP

Cybork / Counts as Necromunda Pit Slave conversion WIP

The friendly folks at Yaktribe are having their first competition; model and/or paint a 'hired sword' - one of those special fellows you can add to your gangs in Mordheim or Necromunda to give them a bit of bite earlier in a campaign, in exchange for a fee between...
Resin weapons and miniatures

Resin weapons and miniatures

My order arrived at last.Pictures for your judgement.Originally I was thinking about 10 Havocs with autocannons, but a lot of these pieces look very tempting to attach and paint up.Lastly, some kriegers and Traitor Guard to act as cultists with autocannons.(Just a dry...
Multicoloured Chaos Marines

Multicoloured Chaos Marines

"Well mine's THIS big"Since moving to Spain progress in painting has dropped to a snail's pace. Painting every model in the army differently is  interesting, but progress is f&^cking slow.Yeah I know you've seen these before. Stop whining. There's new stuff...
Fallen Dark Angels conversions

Fallen Dark Angels conversions

I recently moved to another country and had to go without my modelling stuff for a while.I ended up buying another starter set, and repurposed the Dark Angels models. It was a lot of fun! I'm glad to be back painting and modelling again after a break.The pictures are...