Heresy Era Word Bearers – Assault Squad Built!

Just a quick hit today on the Heresy front, before setting them aside for a while and diving in to my Dreadtober project. I wanted to add an assault squad to the Word Bearers force, but with the recent price rise the big resin assault squad just got crazy expensive. I...

Dreadtober 2018!

It's almost that time of year again, when monstrous mechanical machines make much mayhem! That's right, it's time for...I'll be helping out the inestimable Todd Sherman from Sincain40k in helping collate all the entries for this year's celebration of all things...

Heresy Era Word Bearers – Ashen Circle Painted!

I was having a good time painting up the Ashen Circe, and pressed on to the finish line with 'em over the last day and a half!From a pose perspective they're a little odd - I definitely understand what the sculptors were going for with the models leaping/touching...

Heresy Era Word Bearers – Ashen Circle painting begins!

Just a quick hit this morning, pressing on with the Word Bearers and the Ashen Circle are next up on deck!Painting them separate from the bases and backpacks is a new thing for me, still working out what works for me. Originally I had them on paint sticks akin to what...