Necromunda – Kal Jerico painted!

Just a quick hit this evening - With basically all of my big projects either complete or in varying states of sale (link to auctions), I decided to take a little time and start working through my backlog of Necromunda miniatures, including all the various Forge World...

Necromunda – Shipping Container Shops Complete!

Got some brush time in recently and was excited to finish up the container shops for the Necromunda board! Sadly, after painting the interiors, I dry fit them together and in doing the painting and washing of the exteriors they essentially glued themselves shut. Doh!...

Hail means a sale!

Been an interesting couple weeks meteorologically speaking, with a pair of pretty serious hailstorms causing some non-trivial damage to the roofs and cars in my neighborhood, and my place was no exception. Means it was time to have a rummage through the Closet of Doom...

Necromunda – Shipping container shops built!

Saw a rather cool use for the GW shipping containers recently and knew I had to follow suit - Had a set lurking in the Closet of Doom so on a somewhat rainy afternoon I set to chopping, drilling and gluing my fingers together to make a few hopefully interesting pieces...

Heresy Era Dark Angels – Army ready for NOVA!

As of the last post, the heresy era Dark Angels are essentially as done as they are going to get, and everything required for use at NOVA coming up at the end of August is ready to roll! I rather liked how the recent pics with the white background turned out, so...