Heresy Era Dark Angels – Vortigern’s Pride Painted!

Once the painting servitor completed the Iron Warriors I gave some thought into what would come next. More infantry, it turns out! I had gotten the greens down on the terminators a while back and rather than start something afresh I figured I ought to finish 'em off....

NOVA 2018 Charity Army Painting – Iron Warriors Complete!

Been a little quiet on the blog of late, been head down furiously batch painting Iron Warriors for the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation auctions coming up, but the interstitial pictures just weren't all that interesting. After cranking out 30 Dark Angel tac marines,...

Heresy Era Dark Angels – Taerrax Termites and Praetor built!

After all the painting of late I thought I'd reward myself with a little build time! Earlier in the week a box o' joy arrived from Forge World, containing a trio of Taerrax Termites (say that five times fast) - While I was initially apprehensive of building the new...

Heresy Era Dark Angels – Tactical Squads Table Ready!

Not quiiiiiite done, as I still want to add some waterslide transfers to 'em, but I can't for the life of me find the box full of sheets. Nevertheless, they're to the "off the factory floor" stage and have gotten their initial sealant pass!Ended up digging up some...

NOVA 2018 Charity Army painting – Iron Warriors ahoy!

I was honored to be asked to participate in one of the NOVA Open charity army projects again this year, and as is my wont I took on some of the more 'boring' units and let the more talented folks do the cool stuff. That means that I'll be putting the 30 Dark Angel tac...