Exodite Eldar – Wasp Assault Walkers Built!

Quick hit today, with the addition of a trio of new models for the Exodites - Counts-as Wasp Assault Walkers, using the Forge World rules.The initial intent was to use the Stormcast Vanguard Palladors to do jungle-cat-based War Walkers, but I just couldn't figure out...

40k Exodite Eldar – Night Spinner painted!

So I'm reasonably arachnophobic - This project is NOT helping! Heh. After getting the Night Spinner built I wanted to get some paint on it so dived right in!Sticking with the color scheme laid down on the force so far, the beast got a purple carapace to match the...

40k Exodite Eldar – Rangers and Nightspinner built!

Not a whole lot of brush time of late with Real Life(tm) munching up more of my free time than I'd prefer, but nonetheless the work continues on the Exodites of the Tanelorn Wood.The force needed a couple more troops choices, and I knew I wanted to do a squad or two...

Armies of Prospero going on the block

So the time has come to put the roughly 10,000 points of Thousand Sons and associated auxiliary forces up for sale to help cover some unexpected expenses as well as come up with some funds to begin the next heresy project. Figured I'd put them up here before I put...

Armies of Prospero going on the block

So the time has come to put the roughly 10,000 points of Thousand Sons and associated auxiliary forces up for sale to help cover some unexpected expenses as well as come up with some funds to begin the next heresy project. Figured I'd put them up here before I put...