40k Exodite Eldar – Rise of the Bark Eldar…

A terrible pun, I know. Couldn't wait to get some paint on the models and try and see whether my hands could do what my brain was picturing!One should always use a big centerpiece model as a tester, right? Actually started with the Branchlord for a reason, it had the...

40k Exodite Eldar – Wait, what?

You ever have one of those ideas that just won't quite let go of ya? Ever since the Sylvaneth line dropped, I have always thought that the Treelord model would make for a great Exodite-themed Avatar of Khaine. I mean, just look at it!Er, yeah - That may be one that I...

Inq28 – Eisenhorn and friends!

Late last year I rolled the dice on ordering some models from an Etsy shop called Artel W. Miniatures that caught my fancy. Generally speaking I wasn't expecting too much being the first time ordering from a tiny caster in the Russian federation so I was prepared to...

Heresy Era Sons of Horus – Anvilus Dreadclaw painted!

Just a quick hit this evening - Finally got a chance to upload a fair few pics of some work done over the last week or two, starting off with a Dreadclaw for the Sons of Horus!I ended up picking up a trio of them ostensibly for the Sons of Horus, but upon further...