Necromunda – Deadbolt’s Derelict Corridors build begins

With the holidays behind me, I'm finally able to get back on the hobby horse and start putting together some of the goodies that arrived for Christmas! Figured I'd lead off the new year with another terrain project - Some MDF wall sections designed to work with the...


Quick hit this morning - Been on a hobby bender but haven't organized all the pics yet! Plenty of post fodder on the way though!Every so often I'll pull a model or two off the RPG minis shelf as a little palate cleanser, and a totally-not-LeeLoo-and-Korben set from...

Retrospective – Hobby Year In Review 2017

A very happy holidays to all the readers out there, and a merry Feast of The Emperor's Ascension to one and all! With the year drawing to a close I thought it would be nice to take a look back over 2017 and see how things went. It was definitely a whirlwind of hobby...

Necromunda – Bull Gorg modernized!

One of my favorite Necromunda special characters from back in the day was Bull Gorg, pit fighter hero extraordinaire - We ran many a fun scenario with him either staging a revolt, or doing king of the hill style pit fights. Figured I ought to get him cleaned up and...

40k Harlequins – Troupe complete!

Continuing on with the "pulling random old stuff off the shelf" plan I've been working with, There's been a small troupe of Harlequins quietly gathering dust for well over a year. But no longer! Originally intended to be part of a Dark Eldar army I started and...