Necromunda – Gor Halfhorn complete!

Figured it was time to dive back in to painting some actual miniatures after my digression into terrain, but wasn't feeling quite up to jumping right back into a full batch-painting project. So, a little speed painting session was the plan for the evening!Pulled out...

Terrain – Combat Cars complete!

Alliteration! The painting servitor had a fairly productive session yesterday and managed to get the five combat cars to the 'off the factory floor' state, which for now I'm calling done! By far the most ostentatious of the cars, this one deserved to be done up in...

Terrain – Combat Cars painting continues…

Quick hit this morning - Got a little more brush time in over the last couple days and laid down the main body colors and the gold trim on the combat cars from Wargame Exclusive - since I've picked these up it seems they've come out with another half dozen or so...

Terrain – Galvanic Servohaulers complete!

Finished up the Galvanic Servohaulers over the last couple days, providing some more tasty scatter terrain to the table! Picked out a fair bit of extra detail and added some spot colors but didn't go too crazy, they're just going to be terrain after all. Don't want...