40k Genestealer Cult – A tidal wave of cultists…

When last we left the action, the skintones made it on to all of the models and I was figuring out the appropriate way to parcel them out into smaller batches. Then things went horribly, horribly wrong...After getting the first 16 models' yellow basecoats on, I...

40k Genestealer Cult – How many is too many to batch paint?

Quick hit this morning - After what I felt was a very productive run with the Sons of Horus, I thought I'd take a little breather and work on another project for a bit. I had started a Genestealer Cult army a while back that had sort of stalled out and as some of my...

Heresy Era Sons of Horus – Armies on Parade family photo!

I recently finished off the last of the models I had assembled and figured a family photo of what's been painted up so far was in order. Packed everything up and popped over to the local GW to put them in the Armies on Parade lineup and snapped a few pics!There's...

Heresy Era Sons of Horus – Reaver attack squad complete!

After a longer-than-expected stretch of home repair that put the hobby loft out of commission for quite a few days, I was finally able to get the painting servitor plugged back into its socket and fired it up!First up was to finish off the Reaver Attack Squad for the...