Heresy Era Sons of Horus – Veterans and characters painted!

Squeaked in just under the wire over the weekend, and managed to beat the weather rolling in this morning. In typical Colorado fashion, it was 75F degrees yesterday, and today it's 32F and snowing. Knowing it was bearing down on us I was head down all morning and...

Dreadtober 2017 – Osiron Dreadnought painting continues…

Another quick hit today, while the Sons of Horus continue apace I switched gears briefly and added the gold and expanded on the white trim undercoat on the Osiron when those colors came up in the hopper. There are dozens of other awesome dreadnoughts getting worked on...

Heresy Era Sons of Horus – Forge Lord built!

Just a quick hit today - Though there's been some progress, there hasn't been much worth photographing on the painting side over the last couple days. However, as a bit of a reward for cranking away on the models I did do a little build time and put together another...