by Mordian7th | Dec 16, 2016
Wait! Put down the pitchforks and torches, it's not technically another project, honest! Hah!The main reason I chose the Imperial Fists for the Prospero plastics was primarily to give me the ability to run an allied force of Custodes - How exactly that's going to work...
by Mordian7th | Dec 13, 2016
As a bit of a reward to myself for all the painting of late I thought I'd build the next unit or two for the Imperial Fists. I'm kicking myself for getting so over-excited building all the new Genestealer Cult models that I ended up with a huge pile of unpainted...
by Mordian7th | Dec 10, 2016
Got a fair bit of painting time in today and finished off the Leman Russ Exterminator! Carried the colors through from the Acolytes with the blue, white and yellow, and it turned out pretty well I think... Added in some stripes on the dozer blade to match those...
by Mordian7th | Dec 8, 2016
We've been having some sub-zero temperatures over the last few days so no sealant possibility for the recent terminators. So, bouncing back over to the Cult for a bit! Rather than doing yet another batch of infantry (oof) I figured it was time to have a little fun and...
by Mordian7th | Dec 5, 2016
Another quick hit this evening, after work I had a quiet evening in and was able to put a couple more hours in on the terminators. Rather enjoying how they're coming along!Pretty much textbook color theory here, with the blue and red contrasting well against the...