40k Genestealer Cult – All about that base…

Sorry, sorry. Couldn't help it! Now that the majority of the army is assembled I started thinking about basing. I knew I wanted to do a mineworks sort of theme due to the aesthetic of the cult models, but wasn't able to find anything in resin that I really liked. So...

40k Deathwatch – Army 99.9% Parade Ready!

It's amazing what working under a deadline will do for my productivity! I had a blissfully event-free Friday evening and the whole day Saturday, and buckled in for a marathon painting session to finish off the army before next weekend's event. Barring any minor issues...

40k Deathwatch – Dreadtober part 2 and more Corvus work

Frantically pressing onwards with the Deathwatch as the Armies on Parade deadline looms ever closer! Got a bit more work done on Brother Nihilus (doing triple duty for Dreadtober, Zombtober and the AoP project), started laying in the color blocks and some of the gold...