40k Deathwatch – Corvus Blackstar painting begins

Another quick hit today, back when I started the Land Raider I'd also done the linework on the Corvus, and while I was working on the Dreadnought over the last couple days I'd also taken the time to lay in the initial colors on the flyer as well. My favorite part...

40k Deathwatch – Land Raider painting continues

Just a quick one today - Got a few more colors laid in on the Land Raider yesterday and I am starting to feel better about it. Giving the eye something else to look at besides the line highlighting seems to help 'settle' the model a bit and help it look less like a...

Inq28 – Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Silenia Phocris

Leading the Ordo Xenos contingent is Inquisitor Silenia Phocris. She's pulling double duty actually, as I've also introduced her as a potential ally/adversary in the Rogue Trader campaign I've been running as well! Quite often I take inspiration from the miniatures I...