by Mordian7th | Aug 22, 2016
So I'll admit that when I picked up Overkill it was predominantly for the Genestealer Cult models and the Deathwatch chaps were pillaged for parts to use with the Thousand Sons (as there were several tasty older-mark armor sets in there). I was rather impressed with...
by Mordian7th | Aug 20, 2016
I've been in a mild panic mode about the army for the upcoming Nova Open, and behind the scenes have been writing list after list trying to find the right balance of minis and points and effectiveness and worries about air travel and so on. It's all finally...
by Mordian7th | Aug 18, 2016
Just a quick hit today - getting down to the wire on finishing off the army for the Nova Open coming up at the beginning of September so I'm in a mild panic mode. Always good for the painting output!Nothing too fancy here, but got all the basic colors laid in and the...
by Mordian7th | Aug 14, 2016
Not a huge amount of hobby time over the last week, though I did manage to get the Damocles painted up to the initial sealant stage prior to the application of waterslides and weathering. Almost to the finish line! Tried to downplay the aquilas a little as...
by Mordian7th | Aug 8, 2016
Apologies for the radio silence of late, but I've been on vacation for the last week out in Indiana attending GenCon! A fantastic time was had, and there's a few pics below. First up however are some pics of a few models I'd been working on here and there over the...