by Mordian7th | Jul 16, 2016
Got in a fair bit of hobby time this morning and managed to finish off the Contemptor dreads - huzzah! First up is the ever-popular twin Kheres Assault Cannon toting Contemptor Mortis. Equally adept at mowing down infantry and light vehicles, it also...
by Mordian7th | Jul 14, 2016
As mentioned a few posts ago I'm starting to get army fatigue painting the pointy-eared gits, and with NOVA approaching I figured I'd better shift gears and get back to the Thousand Sons. Last week Forge World put the newest updated "red book" up for pre-order, which...
by Mordian7th | Jul 13, 2016
Yesterday evening I was able to go and see the Peter Gabriel/Sting collaboration concert and it was absolutely epic! Both of 'em (and both their bands) on stage at the same time, taking it in turns to do one another's music. Hands down the best show I've seen this...
by Mordian7th | Jul 11, 2016
Not as much in the way of hobby progress this past weekend, though it was filled with 40k gaming goodness! Continued on with the Rogue Trader campaign I'm running for some friends on Sunday, and Saturday I participated in the 500pt stage of the escalation league at...
by Mordian7th | Jul 7, 2016
Some decent forward progress on the Scourges over the last few days, but first I thought I'd point out that sometimes it's pretty awesome living in Colorado. Over this past weekend some friends and I went down to Red Rocks Amphitheater for a concert, which is hands...