by Mordian7th | Jul 5, 2016
Hope all our stateside readers had a safe and happy 4th of July, and for everyone else, I hope that your Monday was tolerable! Had a three day weekend which meant I had some extra hobby time, and ended up being rather productive - finished off the Wyches, got darn...
by Mordian7th | Jul 1, 2016
Quick hit this evening - It was reasonably temperate today and after knocking out the weekly chores around the house I managed to sneak in some brush time and continued work on the Wych cult.The first step was laying in the gold - definitely adds some definition to...
by Mordian7th | Jun 29, 2016
The escalation league at the local GW shop kicked off last week and I was able to get in a game with a rather nice guy and his beautiful Blood Angels. Like a knob I didn't take a singe pic of the game though. Doh! Suffice it to say that the two 5-man Kabalite Warrior...
by Mordian7th | Jun 26, 2016
Yesterday the various GW stores across the nation were selling a promotional Forge World model and naturally I had to get my resin addiction fix! Was rather pleased to see that it appears to be the usual Forge World resin recipe and not the Finecast dreck, and was in...
by Mordian7th | Jun 24, 2016
Just a quick hit this evening - Braved the heat of the hobby loft for a few hours this evening and got the Kabalite Warriors up to a good tabletop standard in preparation for the first series of games for the escalation league. As is always the case, it is in the...