Heresy Era Thousand Sons – Plasma Contemptor built!

The flurry of building continued this weekend - it's been hot as all getout which means the hobby loft is proving challenging to work in for long periods of time so it's been surgical strikes of construction rather than long painting sessions. Today I turned my...

Heresy Era Thousand Sons – Assault Squad Mekhata built!

Got a little bit of build time in today and managed to get Assault Squad Mekhata put together and prepped for primer. At the moment assault squads are ruinously expensive points-wise but there are pretty solid indications that we're going to see a points drop in the...

Heresy Era Thousand Sons – Reinforcements Arrive!

A box o' joy arrived from Forge World yesterday evening containing a number of new goodies for the ever-changing Thousand Sons! I got everything into a soapy soak overnight and got it rinsed off and laid out to dry this afternoon. Everything was present and accounted...

40k Harlequins – Tricolor shenanigans!

Managed to get some more brush time in yesterday, and started blocking in the green and purple sections on the Troupe and Starweaver. Starting to come together nicely now!Still need to brighten up the purple a bit, but I'm pretty happy with the contrast between the...

40k Harlequins – Choosing a color scheme

Got some decent hobby time in last night after it had cooled off a bit and started off by putting together the Starweaver transport for the troupe - First time assembling this kit and it was a bit of a fraught affair! I think I got the measure of it though, so the...