Necromunda – Ambots painted!

Just a quick hit today - After the flurry of World Eaters and Genestealer Cult, it was time to do something small and colorful. Ambots it is!As soon as I saw the reveal for these I knew I had to get my mitts on 'em, and I'm glad to say the kit did not disappoint! They...

Heresy Era World Eaters – Ready for Adepticon!

Coming in just under the wire, Kharn and the 8th Company are ready to deploy to the battlefields of the Schaumburg Sector!Packed the army up and schlepped it over to the local GW shop for a family photo, and am quite happy with how the force turned out. Pretty...

Heresy Era World Eaters – Dreadnoughts complete!

Huzzah! The last of the models for the Adepticon army are complete and ready to rampage across the battlefields! ...Or more likely be blown to smithereens in turn one, as is often the case with newly-painted models.Ended up doing two of the dreads in white with blue...

Heresy Era World Eaters – Simply Dread-full

With just a few short weeks remaining until Adepticon, I was getting rather antsy about the fact that the trio of dreadnoughts I'd ordered back in January had yet to arrive. They'd been stuck in customs hell for nearly two weeks but were finally deemed not to be a...