Heresy Era Word Bearers – Army Complete!

Another army complete, and likely to be sold off without ever actually hitting the tabletop? Seems that way! The Word Bearers army that I'd initially planned for Adepticon proved to be thematically incompatible with the events that I'm participating in (hence the...

Necromunda – Brother Hameln of House Cawdor

Just a quick hit today - Among other projects on the painting table of late is some reinforcements for my House Cawdor gang in the form of Brother Hameln and his coterie of bomb rats!These little critters are from Anvil Industries, and includes a little detonator hand...

Testing… Is this thing still on?

Rumors of my demise have been slightly exaggerated, and I must apologize for my absence over the last month.While it would be easy to offer up a litany of excuses, the main point is I've been remiss in keeping the blog up to date, and it's high time to rectify the...