by Morgrim Dark | Dec 17, 2012
The 40k bug has been nibbling at my toes lately. Got in a couple of games yesterday with my Inquisition with allied Guard list. First game was against a straight CSM list - the spiky marines got tabled. Next game against the Sisters of Battle - let's just say the...
by Morgrim Dark | Nov 19, 2012
With the general interest in Grey Knights somewhat waning (hi, CronAir and Flamer Bomb), I have decided to dust off some minis and blow the cobwebs out of an idea that I've had since the GK codex dropped. A fair number of the OOP metal Squat miniatures came strapped...
by Morgrim Dark | Sep 7, 2012
Just one week after NOVA and GW has decided to release a fairly major overhaul to their core rules. As a NOVA staffer I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I didn't have to ramp up on new FAQs in the wee hours prior to the start of NOVA. On the other...
by Morgrim Dark | Sep 4, 2012
Whew, NOVA 2012 is over and there is nothing left except picking up the pieces. Sounds like our attendees had a great time. Certainly everyone who gamed had a great time! The hotel was fabulous as always and the staff seemed to think we were genuinely well...
by Morgrim Dark | Jun 28, 2012
There are quite a few blog posts rolling around espousing the virtues of this army or that in 6e 40k - even though the majority have no firm grasp on the new rule set. Never one to miss a bandwagon opportunity, 23lines has decided to jump on board and tell everyone...