Conspicuous Absence – 40k Rulebook Pulled from GW Site

As has been widely reported, GW retailers have been instructed to pull the 40k 5e rulebook this week and that appears to have taken effect on the GW web store as well. At approximately 01:00 May 28, 2012 UTC, Games Workshop officially pulled the 5th...

40k 6e Rumor Source Has Been Outed!

I figured that is was about time for 23Lines to jump on the rumor spec-ulation bandwagon. But rather than posting my own wishl... er secret source I figured I would post something dredged up by my man Lo Pan over at the SomethingAwful forums. Big thanks to...

Adeption 2012 – A Great Finish

Another successful Adepticon convention! My thanks and congrats to all the organizers and volunteers who pulled off a great event. This year I ended up attending the 40k Championships, the Necromunda by Night, and the 40k Gladiator which brings me to the gist of...

Adepticon Championships Kick-Off

The Champs this year have a 9am check-in with the first game starting at 10:30am. Presumably this is to give time for paint judging and gives me some time to take pics and blog.First off, my humble guard army. No where near best painted but I do have a number of...