Turnip28 – 5th Deathcap Line Infantry 2

Let's kick off the first post of 2025, with a gaggle of vegetable-infused infantry.I've completed my first batch of Turnip28 fodder for my wee force. These fellows, the 5th Deathcap line, will be 12 strong when complete. As the biggest regiment in the force, I decided...

Turnip28 – 5th Deathcap Line Infantry Tester

 It's been quiet on the Mumblings of late. I've been deep in the mud of Cyst, the setting for the eccentric, delightful game; Turnip28. A dystopian Napoleonic body horror wargame with vegetables. I've spent the last couple of months assembling a regiment of...

Undead – Vampire Knight

Today we have a miniature I've been slowly ticking over in between other projects. It's taken months of five minutes here and ten minutes there to complete him. But finally, Stephane Dreux, vampire knight, is finished.This fellow is a mounted vampire knight by Reaper...

Sláine 5 – Skull Swords Pack 3

Today we have YET MORE Skull Swords. This time carrying the feared repeater crossbow. These are my third and last pack of Skull Swords for now. Three packs of these murderous ruffians should be plenty for any scenario in the game. They'll be giving it a bit of this in...

Sláine 5 – Skull Swords Pack 2

The first three miniatures of 2024 come leaping into action! I've returned to my Drunes for Sláine, having neglected them for over a year. I've got a big Sláine  weekend coming up in a March, so it's time for reinforcements. You kind of need a few packs of skull...