More Canadians..

Same photo as before, but with a purpose...During the week and part of last weekend I was able to get a bit more painting done on this force. Nothing special, but just something that allowed me to get the troops up there and ready for the game last Tuesday.As you can...

Another Battle Report vs DAK

So it seems that I am getting a bit lucky in having the time to play a few games these days. The house getting closer to being fully put away, so the time is available for more gaming.Above was my army in the game on Tuesday night, where I faced off against the same...

Canadians Force eh?

So it has been a while since I have been working on some actual painting projects, but here is the latest one. Before moving house I had been stockpiling many models for this project for a while now.. and now that the move of house and studio are more or less complete...

Basingstoke Train Convention

So last weekend Junior and I took off to yet another convention. This time one that is quite local to us and very close to his current after school location.We had appeared at it last year with the same warning as we had this year.. which was seeing the signs stating...

Canadians vs Germans in Afrika.. Battle Report Bolt Action

So I have begun yet another Bolt Action army.. this time though I want something a bit different.. or at least painted differently and with actual squad markings throughout the army. For this I have chosen the mighty might Canadians! A commonwealth county that fought...