by muffinman | Jul 2, 2014
This will be the wrap-up for the remainder of texasGamesCon this past weekend. It's going to be a bunch of battle reports, so it will be a long post with as much detail as i remember from the weekend. My previous post was a wrap-up of the Iron Guantlet on Friday. On...
by muffinman | Jun 30, 2014
This last weekend was Texas Games Con (previously WarGamesCon, previously BOLScon), which is always one of the events i look forward to during the year. I played in it back in my 40K days and have been doing the Warmachine side for the last 3 years. it's gotten bigger...
by muffinman | Apr 23, 2014
Now that the kickstarter lesser warcasters are out and starting to see some table time (at least 3 of them were on the table during a 12 person local tourney last weekend), we've got the rules for the new lesser warlocks coming out in the next book. I'm not going to...
by muffinman | Apr 10, 2014
It's been a long time in coming, but we're finally seeing the last few models from Gargantuans on the tables. Today we'll look at Skorne's latest model, the Despoiler.The Despoiler was one of the big surprises in Gargantuans. For many releases, we pretty much know...
by muffinman | Jan 21, 2014
the holidays are over and the new years is ramping up! Time to jump back into blogging after not really doing much at all with the blog or warmachine in the past couple months. I have finally hit 100 posts on this blog! I couldn't really think of anything cool to do...