OrK Biker Mob Commission

I just wanted to scream 'Winess Me!' while painting these guys. I wanted warm tones to contrast with the slightly green tones used in the higher shades of the yellow. If you would like to learn how to paint this miniature why not sign up to the online tutorial...

Storm Cast Eternal Prosecutor Commission

Part of a much larger Storm Cast Eternal commission - the Prosecutors! Unlike the other miniatures I wanted to include a counter point to the moody blue hues used throughout and have golden wings. If you would like to learn how to paint this miniature why not...

Warhammer 40,000 Anniversary Model Commission

Remember this colour scheme from Rogue Trader?These special release miniatures give me the opportunity to look at these kinds of chapters/ marines. You don't need to buy a whole army, just one model to experiment with. You may have noticed that this isn't a straight...

World Eaters Land Raider Commission Horus Heresy Scheme

Is there any other model that screams 'Heresy' more than than the Spartan Assault Tank? The thing is ubiquitous, iconic, and a ruddy great slab of resin to place front in centre of the force. I wanted this to be slightly more weathered than the other World Eaters...