Blood Angel Cataphractii Terminator Commission

The Cataphractii Pattern was amongst the first Terminator armour issued, and suits of this type were even more heavily protected than their contemporaries. Slab-like ceramite pauldrons housed additional shield generators, although this formidable protection came at...

Blood Angels Tartaros Terminators Horus Heresy Commission

The Tartaros pattern is arguably the most advanced form of Tactical Dreadnought Armour, and shares many systems with the MkIV ‘Maximus’ power armour. It provides greater mobility for its wearer than other patterns, with no loss in durability or protection; this has...

Blood Angel Praetor Tribune Horus Heresy Commission

One of the mightiest heroes of the Imperium, the Tribune is a link back to the glories of the Great Crusade. The Tribunes are ancient, members of the original fraternity of warriors that won Terra, stormed the Satrapies of Saturn and ventured out of the solar system...