by Myles | Oct 23, 2012
My regular role playing group have agreed to try out a system outside of the Wizards of the Coast D20 wheelhouse. We've settled on Fantasy Flight Games's Rogue Trader, set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.While you don't really need miniatures to play the...
by Myles | Oct 14, 2012
Taking a quick break from my Fortress of Redemption project to get some painting done for my 1,000 point Death Korps Engineer army. After a few months of on-and-off work, I'm only three Chimeras away from having a fully painted army.My most recent painted model...
by Myles | Oct 10, 2012
Round Three... BUILD!Two silos simply wasn't enough for me. And having them so close to the tower? A greater architectural faux pas I simply cannot conceive! Obviously, I won't be able to use this as a Fortification in regular...
by Myles | Oct 7, 2012
Work progresses at a steady pace on the Fortress, or as the designer, Bugbait_NZ calls it, the Tower of Retribution.One of the more intricate parts was the blast door at the front of the tower. The internals are visible below:The complete blast door below.It's...
by Myles | Oct 5, 2012
The start of something beautiful.Making sure all of the cuts in the template is tricky, but there's still some room for error. Definitely not a beginner template, and I think making it out of thick cardstock was an error, but it was a lot cheaper than doing it...