by Myles | Oct 4, 2012
It's been a terrain-centric couple of weeks. I've spent a bit of time working on a few Aegis Defense Lines, a Skyshield Landing Platform, I'm in the process of building my own table, and even talked to Rich from Green Stuff Industries about it and how it plays into...
by Myles | Sep 14, 2012
A series of photos of my good friend Scott's Zombie Corporation Marines, assembled from Mantic's Corporation Marines and Zombie models. Enjoy!Scott's personal favorite Zombie. An awful lot of work went into this guy and it certainly shows.Keep up the...
by Myles | Sep 6, 2012
Rich from Green Stuff Industries was kind enough to join me for episode 12 of the Table Top Generals podcast. It was a real blast having him on and hopefully, he'll join us again for more of our shenanigans.Be sure to check out Rich's blog and excellent...
by Myles | Sep 6, 2012
Hello again! I've been getting a ton of hobby related stuff done, but have been posting very little of it. That changes now.My first of four Imperial Guard Chimera. The only difference between this and many of my previous models is that I've started...
by Myles | Aug 23, 2012
This may end up being a model, it may not. For now, here's a rough concept sketch of an Inquisitor that might or might not end up in a friend's Grey Knight army, the existence of which I can neither confirm nor deny.All the best,-Jordan