by Myles | Mar 10, 2014
Ah, at long last, the Realm of Battle board is base-coated and ready for some tender airbrushing. After an abortive attempt to paint what used to be a black RoB board tan with a detail airbrush I quickly became frustrated with the ordeal. Luckily, a...
by Myles | Mar 2, 2014
Rather than doing the wise thing and putting my tax return into savings, I used the magic of the internet to turn my money into finely sculpted resin. One of a number of models I bought recently, here's my completed Death Korps of Kreig Quartermaster. This...
by Myles | Jan 5, 2014
First thing on the iteniary is building a Kill Team to take advantage of the new rules put out by Games Workshop last month. So far, the rules look like a ton of fun and I'm really looking forward to getting a game in.After painting up a couple of drones in test...
by Myles | Jan 1, 2014
Preparations are being made for a Death Korps of Krieg army, but in the meantime, I'd still like to play the game. Especially with all of the new and exciting supplements and expansions. To that end, I've started working on a Tau Farsight Enclave army....
by Myles | Dec 22, 2013
When I first caught wind that Games Workshop was working on a set of expansions and other rules updates, I got excited. When I heard one of them would center around siege warfare, I started digging trenches in my front lawn in preparation. Having read...