Death Korps Siege Regiment Painting Technique Test Run

The start of something wonderful!I've purchased quite a bit of stuff from Forge World recently.  It's a solid chunk of the stuff I'll need to build a large Death Korps of Krieg army.  I'm intending that the army will have over 120 guardsmen at 1850pts....

Howling Griffons Sternguard Squad, Part 5

The last member of the squad, and the most complex, the Veteran Sergeant is complete.See that guy? F*ck him and everyone nearbyHe's armed the exact same way as most of the rest of the squad, as befits a group of Monstrous Creature hunters.Tonight... You...A focus shot...

Howling Griffons Sternguard Squad, Part 4

Four down, one Veteran Sergeant to go!  Free Photos! Smile and Wait for FlashJust to spice things up a bit and take full advantage of my diverse bits collection, I left this chap holding his bolter down while firing his bolt pistol.  I'm normally not a huge...

Howling Griffons Sternguard Squad, Part 3

The first of two regular Howling Griffons Sternguard Veterans.  This guy (and the other) will be toting combigravs.  This squad will exist for the sole purpose of killing Oni's Wraithknight if I ever meet it upon the field of battle.  They will be...

Howling Griffons Sternguard Squad, Part 2

Because somebody has to carry into battle the guns that warp the fundamental constants of the universe.In my quest to not spend money on this squad, I used a pair of Volkite chargers from the Heresy range on Forge World.  They get the job done.More to come,-Jordan