Tyrant of Badab, Part 3

Lugft's just about all painted up.  This is almost all the paint that's gonig on him before I work on the uber-fine details of his face and banner.  Next up is a series of washes and highlights.More to come!-Jordan

Tyrant of Badab, Part 2

Base is done!  Doing two different dry brush color sets is pretty tough, but I think it turned out nicely.  The sand is my usual: TAP Desert Yellow then drybrush Skeleton Bone.  Rocks are painted with a base coat of Foundation Adeptus Battlegrey,...

Tyrant of Badab, Part 1

Snagged this chap to get free shipping for some purchases on eBay.Unfortunately, the seller didn't take the best care when packaging him, so I wound up with a broken heavy flamer and two snapped lightning claw blades.  The heavy flamer got glued back on and the...

UPDATED! More Grist for the Mill

Update!Recently finished painting up my Master of Ordinance and four missile launcher-toting Engineers.Forge World recently dropped a new Death Korps army list for 6th that's worth checking out.  Unfortunately, it has some pretty massive points hikes and trims...

I Need an Excuse to Make a Set of Imperial Fortress Walls

This thing: Forge Word's Imperial Fortress.  This, to me, would be an excellent use of the laser cutter and one hell of a project.  Problem is my house looks like little more than storage space with a bed at this point (though I am cleaning up, albeit...