Radar Dish Mk2

Very much WIP.  More to come as I tune the design.For the Omnissiah,-Jordan

More Laser Cut Stuff

UPDATE:  Finished the base and snapped another photo.This one turned out pretty well, I just need to tweak some things and experiment a little bit more with the process.  Right now, my biggest issue is reducing burn marks and bubbling in the acrylic....

It Lives!

This is the first thing I ended up doing with the laser cutter.  A cheesy little radar antenna that stands about 3' tall.  It took some experimentation to get all of the concepts involved just right (hole vs plug size for articulation, tolerances, how much...

So This Is What I’ve Been Doing

Yup, bought me a laser cutter.  I've been so busy just trying to get it working properly, I haven't really had the opportunity to share what I've been up to otherwise.  More to come about this and other projects.-Jordan

Realm of Battle Table WIP

As payment for an upcoming commission, I got a Realm of Battle board that used to belong to my wargaming club.  When they first painted the board, they decided they didn't like the skulls set into the board and filled it with...  Well, I'm not entirely sure...