Necron Codex Full Set of Leaks

There is a full set of leaks out from Super Wargamer revealing what appears to be a full leak on a beta Necron Codex. It appears that some of the point costs may be changed.Read more »

A Quick Look at the Point Costs for Necrons

The floodgate is open, and over on Spikey Bits there is some information that gives us a decent look at some point costs for units. Some of which dropped points rather drastically. (hoping to see the same for Dark Eldar)Read more »

What’s On Your Table: Ork Looted Cimson Hunter Jet

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.comHere's some WIP pictures of a Looted Eldar Crimson Hunter acting as a souped-up Dakkajet. Most difficult part was integrating an Ork cockpit into the fuselage while making it...

More Necron Leaks: Stratagems, Powers, and More

There is quite a bit here, but it seems that we have another round of leaks for the Necron Codex, which Games Workshop has already announced will be available sometime before the end of this month!Read more »