Tales From The Darkwood part 3: Until the light takes us

In the two PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS of this very rudimentary primer I have discussed Fighting Fantasy books, the excitement, immersion and joy they inspired in a generation of readers and the creative doors they opened for many of us. Less frequently discussed amongst...

Entrenched: Why John Constantine Needs That Coat

As Corehammer has slowly grown beyond the original small circle of friends that initially comprised it to resemble a larger community of like minds, we have been fortunate to have made lots of new friends and allies who share our tastes and punk rock approach to...

Mosh To Survive

Brothers and sisters. If you are trying to rep the true style often attributed to the classic Gee Dub appreciation hub known as auld’hammer then please step right this way and purchase this excellent garment. Illustrated in the classic old school manner, this...

Band Of The Month: Higher Power

It’s with some sadness that I have to announce that our our music reporter guy Gav Russell has parted company with the mighty ‘Hammer. Thanks for everything Gav, we all appreciated your contributions and best of luck with future endeavours! And it is with even greater...