Star Wars Issue 1: ‘The circle is now complete’

Although there’s still 11 months to go before The Force Awakens, the first new installment in Disneys Star Wars arrives in cinemas, there’s clearly some house keeping to be done. With the Expanded Universe established by Dark Horse comics and a plethora of...

Confessions Of A Teenage Fanboy – Issue 1

After an eight year hiatus I recently decided to actively start collecting comic books again.  Though I still have a significant chunk of my original collection tucked away upstairs, I had sold my collection of X-Men related books and figures about 15 years ago to...

Scum & Villainy: Introducing Javier Van Huss

One of the mixed blessings of growing up in the hardcore scene is the myriad network of contacts that one builds by simply showing up and being involved. To the eyes of the outside world it may seem strange to connect with people from all over the world based...

The Chronicles Of Ridic: CYBORG retroview

As part of an ongoing but irregular series of retro reviews that I have hilariously dubbed The Chronicles Of Ridic, a group of us decided it might be fun to get together virtually and watch a movie simultaneously. Our selections have to be drawn from the genre’s...

Oath Of Moment Part 3: The Wolves Of Terra

Despite my recent rantings and ravings regarding my mixed feelings towards 40K, GW and tabletop gaming in general, I still wanted to get this project finished. I have been titting about with it for a couple of years now and considering the number of decades I have...