Tales From The Darkwood Part 2 – Fates Messenger

In the previous installment of this primer HERE I introduced the simple premise of Fighting Fantasy. In a nutshell Fighting Fantasy could be described as self contained, simplified, single player D&D, staged for the most part (though not exclusively) in the...

Merrick: The Sensational Elephantman

Thought Bubble is the North’s premier Comic Con and for my money the best event of its kind in these fine Isles Of Albion. The convention has been steadily growing in size and reputation since its arrival almost eight years ago and it’s attracting some of...

Borehammer: How to lose friends and alienate people

This photo has no relevance to the content of the article. I just really like Fudge Tunnel Corehammer was originally intended as an outlet for our ragged band of dungeonpunks to collectively scream into the awning void of cyberspace about our mutual boner for gaming...

Corehammer/PaintXDestroy collabo: Rogue Trader Challenge

For this months Single Figure Challenge I decided it was high time we shook it up a bit. When things stay the same for too long stagnation and inertia sets in and I am not having any of that on CH, we are agents of change goddamnit! My plan then, was to start...