by Nathan Bean | Sep 22, 2014
“The land itself was a desolation, lifeless, without movement, so lone and cold that the spirit of it was not even that of sadness. There was a hint in it of laughter, but of a laughter more terrible than any sadness—a laughter that was mirthless as the smile of...
by Nathan Bean | Sep 22, 2014
In the latest of our ongoing series Corehammer Armies, CH’s resident explosives expert Gaz talks to Mark Frocker about his rather flipping awesome Blood Angels army. Big thanks to Mark for making the most of what Gaz sent him and for documenting his army with...
by Nathan Bean | Sep 22, 2014
Nice shoes Dan. I think at one time or another almost every Straight Edge dude in the South East has done a tour of duty in Breaking Point. Such is the mercurial nature of the straight edge hardcore band, members come and go, edges crumble whilst others remain...
by Nathan Bean | Sep 9, 2014
An absolute goldmine It takes a lot to drag me away from my home in a leafy Yorkshire village these days. The arrival of the first ever dedicated Fighting Fantasy Fest however, was a temptation I simply could not resist. I had been looking forward to this event ever...
by Nathan Bean | Aug 31, 2014
I have known Tom Hubbard for a few years, initially by reputation only but our paths eventually crossed when our bands at the time (Rot In Hell and Wayfarer) shared some wax and stage time together. Tom now sings for the mighty Hang The Bastard, a monstrous doom...