CoreHammer Armies: Joe Wilding’s Ashen Host

I conducted this interview with Joe Wilding almost a year ago, certainly prior to the devastation wrought upon the Old World by GW’s End Times storyline so apologies if it seems a little out of date. Joe has been a part of Corehammer since our inception and it...

Warbears & Stagriders from Dead Earth Games

Despite making bold proclamations that I couldn’t be arsed writing for Corehammer anymore and was instead throwing my limited energies into Dungeonpunx, it would appear I can’t leave well enough alone. I find myself at a loose end on a Saturday night with...

Corehammer presents: Dungeonpunx Podcast

After much procrastination we have finally got our finger out and recorded the debut episode of the Corehammer podcast, which I have dubbed Dungeonpunx. I had been wanting to try my hand at podcasting for a while but the opportunity to get the rest of the OG...

Self Reflection in the Age of Sigmar – Brinton Williams

Given Corehammer’s current propensity for causing minor upset to specific corners of the gaming community, we figured it was time to cement that position and add our two pence worth to the (R)Age Of Sigmar discussion. My man Brinton Williams of San Francisco,...