by Neil | Jul 10, 2015
With the apparent end of 8th edition, me and my friend decided to have one last blow-out before trying Age of Sigmar.We dusted off a couple of armies that hadn't seen play for quite a while (my Tomb Kings and his Skaven) and set about creating some rules.....Does...
by Neil | Jul 10, 2015
After quite a while in the wilderness of marriage and children I am back, well sort of back anyway! There won't be posts as regularly as I used to churn them out in 2012-2014 but I feel duty bound to record the narrative campaign I am currently playing to say fond...
by Neil | Oct 3, 2013
Now then folks, Those of you who attend gaming groups will be familiar with campaigns, and what that entails.....namely, that everybody is full of vim and vigour for the first two weeks, and then real life intervenes and half of the games in week three are postponed,...
by Neil | Sep 28, 2013
++++++My Lord,As per your instructions I arrived in the Ganimedes system fourteen point three seven Terran hours ago, but the Astartes Chapter designation 'Hellhounds' were no longer in system. There was no warp entry signature to denote whence they had departed...
by Neil | Sep 27, 2013
Buggery.The crazy price-hikes of the spess muhreen release have continued with the new dark elf stuff, £35.00 for witch elves! 10 Witch Elves! Three pounds and fifty pence per model? And are they made of solid gold? Nope, plastic!That's...