Minature Review: Ramshackle Rhebok

Hi all, Neil of Orange here once more with another review.  Its been Kickstarter related toy time here for a while so I've been working my way through the new stuff and taking photos to share the joy. Today we're looking at Ramshackle Games' recent Kickstarter,...

Reaper Bones : Cthulhu review

Neil of Orange here with a miniature review. What seems like an age ago now I backed the Reaper Bones kickstarter campaign and very recently I received a big box of goodies in the post.  Hopefully I'll look at some of the other figures I got over time, but today we're...

Review: Black Scorpion Miniatures “Tombstone 2″

Hello all, Neil of Orange here chiming in with one of my very irregular reviews.  Today a look at Black Scorpion's Tombstone figures, a range of western miniatures with true grit!  Here's how the figures look on their website, join me after the jump to see the review...