by Neil of Orange | Apr 27, 2014
Neil of Orange here with a hobby event report. Yesterday was the first SAWS event - Salisbury Area Wargaming Show. I've been heavily involved in organising this and as a free event it was, I think, really successful. We've been extremely lucky with a good number of...
by Neil of Orange | Apr 20, 2014
Neil of Orange here, with a bit of a musing around collecting Wood Elves - mostly with a focus on Warhammer Fantasy Battle, hope you enjoy the trips down memory lane and my thoughts and hopes for the future. With rumours of a new book on the horizon (only their 3rd...
by Neil of Orange | Mar 23, 2014
Neil of Orange here with a write up of my successful Malifaux event from 22/03/2014. I was looking forward to this event as the first one since wave 2 had been made official - a lot more models were now available for my players to use. This was however tinged by some...
by Neil of Orange | Mar 9, 2014
Hi, Neil of Orange here, After getting on with some fire painting in my last post I was in the mood to do some more. I dug out my Malifaux Death Marshalls that have been patiently waiting for their moment on the painting table. I say waiting on the table, but really...
by Neil of Orange | Mar 2, 2014
Neil of Orange here with a hobby update. I've been playing with various fire effects recently, for two different styles. I did some internet research and found an excellent 2 part tutorial from, you can find Part 1 and Part 2 here. I was planning a...