40K ETC 2013 – Game 4 vs Romania

  Originally posted on Skuzzlebumm's SkcuttlebuttOnce more unto the breach went Team Scotland. Once more would we face a nation we had previously played in years past; this time it was Romania whom we took a draw from at last years ETC. Its seems that this year...

40K ETC 2013 – Game 3 vs Czech Republic

  Originally posted on Skuzzlebumm's SkcuttlebuttFriday night and Team Scotland did the unthinkable; we forgo staying out drinking all night and instead retired to our hotel for a jacuzzi, food, and an early night. With many a plan in place; including an idea of...

40K ETC 2013 – Game 2 vs Ukraine

  Originally posted on Skuzzlebumm's SkcuttlebuttAfter taking a hard thought 10pts from Dark Eldar Venom Spam in the first round against Russia, but the team overall taking a loss, it was time for round 2. Least it would have been if it wasn't for the fact that...

40K ETC 2013 – Game 1 vs Russia

 Originally posted on Skuzzlebumm's SkcuttlebuttFirst of all apologies to everyone for the lack of live blogging; playing combined with the schedule issues for 40k meant that when I wasn't gaming I was running round like a headless chicken trying to find...

Skcuzz is back at last (with added Ravenwing)

Originally Posted on Skuzzlebumm's Skcuttlebutt It's been over 6 months since I last posted on this or my own blog, and in that time a lot of people have messaged me to ask what has happened? Well to cut a long story short the past 6 months has been one hell of a...