Tournament results….Round 1, Eldar vs Death Guard

Now then peeps, I promised some tourney write-ups this week and here's the first of them.......The tourney was 3 rounds of 40k, 1500 points each.  Each scenario was determined by the TO, however players had to roll for deployment maps themselves, so a different...

Tournament Readiness…..

I had my last two playtest games earlier folks, both against Blood Angels, before the 'A Cure for Summertime Blues' tournament this Saturday (in Lincoln, 9.30 start, £10.00 entry and Gobstyks Gaming Club, comment/message me for deets) and I tried out a slightly...

New Eldar Playtesting vs Blood Angels

Now then folks, I promised a bit of a summary of how the revised Eldar list got on against the Blood Angels this week, and here it is!We got two 1500 point games in, the first was hampered by my opponent not having used the angels in about 8 months, and was a...

New Eldar Tourney List Revisions…..

Howdy folks, After some deep thought this weekend I've made a couple of little tweaks to my tourney list, and I should be getting in two games against the nipple boys (Blood Angels) this week to test my revised selections out.  So far I've found that the Eldar...

New Eldars, Playtesting and further thoughts…….

Now then peeps, I promised a report on how it went yesterday with the tourney list I posted earlier in the week, and here it is!I managed to get two games in on Thursday, both against Paul's speed freek style list, the first was 'The Emperors Will' with standard...